Maybe a leotard would help

Ok. Those of you who know me (and some of you who read this regularly) know that I generally don't like going to the gym. I would much rather spend time cooking, which is why I started going in the first place. But now I really love going to Zumba. I talk about it to my friends. I take my intern to Zumba. I sometimes want to go to two classes in a day. So the last week or so has been kind of right knee has been hurting. A Zumba injury?!! So I took the last few days off and today I was completely lethargic, had a headache and just wanted to take a nap. And then Jake told me that I was likely addicted to working out. Yes, I had heard of this freakish phenomenon, but I never thought it could happen to me. So I did a Pilates workout at home and what do you know, I feel much better. Damn! He was right! Damn! Now I'm one of those freaks!

{Super awesome leotard from Fancy Cat Vintage.}


Aesthetic Outburst... said...

A leotard would definitely help. ;)

Tara Hogan, INK+WIT said...

now you know why I get crazy without my walking or yoga practice

Jim said...

lets go eat some cheeseburgers.

sdankert said...

See, that's why I only work out once or twice a week ... but I think you of all people do NOT need an excuse to get a leotard.