I've been keeping this blog for two and a half years and I really love it. I especially love that I am connected in some way to people I have never met in real life, but who nonetheless read my ramblings with some sort of regularity. I would love to reach out in a more tangible way...and that way is to give you something to hang in your home. I think it's about time I had a giveaway!
The winner of the giveaway will receive this print and two sets of cards of his/her choice. To enter, please leave a comment telling me (or rather, all of us) what you most love about our blogging community. To double your chances, post about this giveaway on your blog and leave another comment with a link to the post and I'll make sure you're entered into the drawing a second time! The contest will end on Sunday, September 13 at midnight (EST) and I'll announce the winner on Monday, September 14.
I'm new to your blog, i found it through the PoppyTalk blog. And i'm happy I've found you at last!
I've always been a fan of your "hello there birdie" and would love to win it!
It has always been a fave of mine! beautiful work!
I'll post about your giveaway on my blog, too. http://strangerfiction.canalblog.com/
contact : virgule_s(at)hotmail dot com
Beautiful prints. Thanks for enhancing the world.
Just found your blog through PoppyTalk - it is lovely!
I love the blogging community because of the support and kind words that your receive from total strangers. It always puts a smile on my face :)
I love that this blogging community is so positive and supportive to its members. People share the things that they find beautiful and inspiring, instead of bitching and whining.
Hi! Your letterpress cards are amazing!
I love the blogging community in how you get to experience a totally new perspective on art and craft and other things, all while connecting with those that have the same interests as you.
There are so many things I never would have found without the blogging community! It's so fun to be inspired by other people's work but even more fun when you see something and you're just SURE that you could be best friends because the design or room or print or whatever is EXACTLY your taste. It makes the big scary world seem smaller.
Thanks for organizing the giveaway! I found you through poppytalk but I quickly became enamored with your work!
Inspiration! One of the best parts of the community. Definitely
Are you kidding? I have to pick a favorite? Yellow berries (I adore the curry color), the blind-embossed eyelet lace, and "hello there" bird...it's all delicious. Beautiful!
First off, let me say that I have admired your lovely work for some time now and I love the fact that we're both representin' Western New York creativity. Woot! Woot!
One of my favorite things I've discovered about the blogging community is that its not just a fun place to share ideas that inspire you, but its a world where you are able to find like minded people with common dreams. I really appreciate and value the solidarity of the handmade artist blogging community.
I really enjoy your work, and your blog. Especially the collaborative cards. Makes me want to find a friend to play with in the studio!
Hi, I have long admired letter press creations. You have to go out of your way to find them, but they're worth it.
I really like the vintage lace and Hello There bird cards. But, that was an agonizing decision to make! I must tear myself away from the internet and go make a living.
hi, i came over from poppytalk becausse i LOVE letterpress! your prints are great!
I lvoe how the blogging community is so generous in promoting the work of others. I have been turned on to so many talented artisans through my blog reading.
I adore your letterpress!
I think that one of my favourite things about the blogging community is the many doors it opens to learning about new independent designers and crafters.
Recently the hours spent at my job were severely downscaled, leaving me a lot of time. I've decided that instead of getting another job, I'd use my time to start writing and making art again. Sometimes it feels like a gamble. I hear the voice (which has the same tone and cadence as my father, curiously) say that I should find a fulltime job and stop wasting my time. But blogs, particularly craft and design blogs, have given me some hope that one need not be "incorporated" to lead a fullfilling life making art. In other words, a beautiful and creative life is legitimate!
I probably will not start my own blog, but I am so thankful that I have blogs to keep my ideas fresh, to lend me inspiration, and to offer me some hope that a life devoted to art is worth my while.
i love your visual aesthetic. something about it makes me so happy when i see the images on your cards :)
Blogs are wonderful because I love that there's always something new and fresh to inspire you! :)
Hooray for giveaways especially pretty paper products.
I love the friendships that are a result of the blogging community even though we don't know one another. "Oh, you love that colored masking tape too?! BFF!"
Hooray for beautiful, free things!
I love blogs because it makes me feel connected to others that I've never met. Like I'm a part of something much larger than me.
I also just found your blog through poppytalk! Glad I did... and is the reason I love blogging community... so many wonderful things/blogs/photos/ideas/inspiration to share and find!!
Been a fan of yours for a while, but just discovered your blog!
I love the blogging community because it's a constant reminder that everyone is creative in their own way and there's always something new to learn from one another.
Hi! I love your work! It is sweet and refreshing! I would love to win! Thanks, candice
I love the positivity out in the blogging world, especially as it relates to craft. Just knowing others are out there being ridiculously geeky and excited about the same things (yarn/beads/paper/whatever) I am makes me feel like I've got a bunch of kindred spirits at my fingertips. Given how isloated crafting can be, the online community is a wonderful resource (and has hooked me up with many crafty friends I now meet in person).
That's my mushy comment for the week. =)
I love your work- it is beautiful, tasteful, and simple...thanks for sharing with us!
The blogging community is great because it exposes you to so much, to so many beautiful things that you'd never know about otherwise.
You've been a fav of mine in etsy world for some time - I'm a BIG fan of letterpress, but am not directly involved in it. Your blog (along with all the other informative blogs) let me live vicariously through you :)
I am constantly amazed by the support, inspiration (design, spiritual, or otherwise!), and thoughtfulness throughout the blogging community (or, at least, the blogging community *I* frequent. Which is clearly the coolest. Obviously. :)
Thanks so much for such a great giveaway! I love your stuff. :)
I love that people blog about the things they love. It exposes me to new ideas and inspiration. I haven't had a chance to start blogging myself, but that's because there's so many blogs to read and so little time.
I couldnt decide on a favorite - i really adore the simplicity of the I Love You card and of course the Hello There Birdie is too cute to pass up.
Blogs are great because they expose us all to SO much great stuff. A daily dose of pretty things. Who doesn't love that?
Your work is beautiful! Without the blogging community, I would have missed out on so many lovely things -- art, friendships and knowledge.
I'll definitely come back often to see what's new here.
I heard about your site through Poppytalk. What I love about blogging is that connectedness. I have found so many old acquaintances and met many new friends I may have never come in contact with. Maybe I have been fortunate but so many people have been so kind, so generous with their ideas and so inspiring.
I love the creativity and inspiration I find in the blogging community - the beauty that renews me each evening. Thanks for the opportunity to bring some beauty out of the thin air and into my real world! Andrea in Vermont
sign me up :)
oh nelly - what do i love most? i think its definitely getting to know these amazing people from all over the world. some of them i know i would keep in touch with if the blogs disappeared tomorrow - just these amazing, creative inspirational people.
what a great giveaway!
Found you via Poppytalk, and am glad I did! And that's exactly what I love about the blogging community - complete strangers coming together by sharing wonderful finds.
I found you thru the PoppyTalk blog and so so glad! this is why i love the blogging community- you are instantly connected to a person's life/creations where you find inspiration, joy, comfort, and mostly- life long friendships.
it a source of never ending company and joy.
what did i ever do before the blogging world?
I LOVE love your stuff. Lucky winner, cheers!
thanks for the chance :)
And here's my link to my blog, where I talk and tell about your giveaway :
Lovely stuff. Like many others, I found you through Poppy Talk. I'm a dog-lover, too!
This is my first time here because I won one of your beautiful cardss from Cindy. I posted my envelope full of treasures on my blog today, listing all that was inside, one was your card and linked to your etsy site. You have a very nice blog and will be back for more.
My original reason for starting a blog was to give me something to do as I healed through a medical issue. Since then blogging has brought the world a little closer and met online some wonderful friends. Who would think, blogging would become a great tool (in many ways) of our daily life. I some times, ok most of the time will share more with a blogging friend than the friends that live in my backyard. smile...
Thanks and enjoy! xoxo
I posted about the contest :)
First of all... i swoon over letterpress...ahhh. second i just set up as rss feed so i can come visit often. your work is beautiful.
i think blogging is wonderful cause you can just get your thoughts out there. a lot of the time i work out my inner thoughts through writing about them for my blog.
i have only been doing it for about a year but it really provides an unlimited outlet.
That IS me with my two dogs walking!!! Love that!
I love that it connects people who would otherwise never know about each other. Each day I get to see marvelous, inspiring work ---
I love your work and your blog <3 Your artistic style continuously inspires me and I love how the blogging community can be such a source of sharing of ideas and talents and inspiration! Cheers
hi! i'm so glad to have found your blog on poppytalk. i hope to keep coming back, beyond this giveaway. what i love about the blogging community...daily inspiration and beauty, seeing people from around the world post about similar ideas or images, and the support and kindness!
thanks for this giveaway!
mmm, my affinity for this blog community is sparked by the enthusiasm for handmade pieces & the generosity with which people share resources. i find it both disarming & brave.
so pretty! i love letterpress and your style is beautiful.
It's so interesting to discover new interests and view points in the blogging world. Sharing things, ideas, and information worldwide!
i loove the blogging community because its just one inspiration after another that just never stops! There's always a link here or there that takes you to another blog that is filled with amazing posts, hardwork and positive support. Lovely giveaway.. oh yaay my birthday is september 13th, hope my luck kicks in!! :)
gorgeous work! love that birdie :)
my favourite part of the blogging community is the seemingly limitless support, so many talented and caring and giving people, ready and willing to share a bit of their lives with others. love it!
Lovely, lovely! The little birdie is so sweet.
beautiful cards!
(via poppytalk)
I am unfamiliar with this blogging community, but I am familiar with your work from Etsy. I am in the Rochester area and love to find new ways to connect to the arts in my community. I think pressing is a beautiful form of art and your work shows dedication and attention to detail.
Cheers to you.
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